West Central Blogger

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

It's never too early to become financially literate

West Central Initiative subscribes to the Family Economic Success model of "Earn It, Keep It, Grow It."

Basically, it means finding ways to help families remain employed, able to pay their bills, with money left over to save and invest wisely for the future.

Unfortunately, many of us live financially extended lives, and "savings" has become a foreign word. Parents are talking to their children less and less about what it means to be fiscally responsible.

The University of Minnesota Extension Program is working to change this by offering teacher training for financial planning for high school students. The workshop (open to teachers, representatives of financial institutions, community agency staff and adults working with youth) will be held throughout Minnesota in the month of June, including Morris on June 21 and Moorhead on June 28.

Want to know more? The Extension has additional online info on youth and money.

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