Four dozen hot dog buns? Check.
Photo album to show relatives how much the kids have grown? Check.
Contribution to help start a family foundation? Check-book.
If that last item isn't on your checklist for the annual family reunion, maybe it should be. Through a family charitable fund, you and your relatives can honor a loved one, teach your kids about giving and leave a legacy to your community.
Setting up a family fund isn’t as complicated as you think. West Central Initiative can help you every step of the way, and administer the fund so your hardest decision is who will benefit from your family’s generosity each year.
You can learn more at WCI's Web site: http://www.wcif.org/. Just click on the "Start a Family Fund" button. Or, you can contact Kim Embretson, WCI’s vice president of development, at 800-735-2239, or kim@wcif.org.
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