West Central Blogger

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Having a blast at the Baseball Bash

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

What's the best way to celebrate the region and the people, communities, businesses and organizations WCI works with that help make west central Minnesota so great? Have a party at a fun regional event, of course!

WCI rented out the Tastefully Simple Terrace at Knute Nelson Memorial Stadium in Alexandria (home of the Alexandria Beetles) on July 19 and invited folks from the nine-county area to enjoy ballpark fare and an evening of camaraderie and baseball (see photos above. Or go to our Flickr site to see larger photos).

The Pope County Men's Chorus--which includes former WCI Board Chair Ralph Lang--sang the National Anthem. Five-year-old Connor Wood from Brandon, whose family is involved in the Brandon Early Childhood Initiative, threw out the first pitch.

Throughout the evening the guests swapped WCI trading cards in order to enter a drawing for one of five $100 grant awards to the regional nonprofit of their choice. And kids designed their own signs to cheer on the Beetles, who won 7-5 over the Green Bay Bullfrogs. Go, Beetles!

Most guests stayed until the very end, some asking as they left: "Where are you holding the party next year?" Anyone have any suggestions? Let one of the WCI staff members know!


Anonymous said...

The baseball bash was a blast. I am glad to see Walt so happy to be a winner of one ofthe $100 grants. I wonder which non profit he will choose?

Anonymous said...

The baseball bash was a blast. I am glad to see Walt so happy to be a winner of one ofthe $100 grants. I wonder which non profit he will choose?

West Central Blogger said...

Hmmm, what WOULD the director of a public library choose? :)