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Thursday, July 10, 2008

(Paper) hats off to kid ingenuity!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Pete Morsch, communications and mentorlink coordinator for Metro Youth Partnership, sent WCI the best thank you recently, accompanied by some great photos of a recent event. Here's what Pete said about RiverArts:

The Metro Youth Partnership (note the name change--you might remember us as the Moorhead Healthy Community Initiative) and our Early Childhood Alliance have benefitted from the support of the West Central Initiative for years now, working toward sound social and emotional development for all young kids in our area.

Last week, we provided activities for young kids (and grown-ups too) at RiverArts, a monthly arts and entertainment gathering put together by Moorhead Parks and Recreation. As you can see by the photos, the kids ate up our simple newspaper hat recipe. Watching the creativity and ingenuity at work is a real trip, and of course we got the parents in on the fun as well.
Prairie Public television brought in Maya and Miguel characters to life (with the help of our VISTA volunteer and friends), and the kids just flocked to our booth.

Thanks, WCI, for putting kids first, and supporting the ongoing work of non-profits like Metro Youth and the Moorhead Early Childhood Alliance.

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