West Central Blogger

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mn/DOT's 20-year transportation plan is available for review/comment

Have you ever wondered how transportation might change in the next 20 years? Now's your chance to find out. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is making its Minnesota Statewide Transportation Plan for years 2009-2028 available for public review and comment.

The plan, “Transforming Minnesota’s Transportation System,” sets a long-range vision for transportation in Minnesota and identifies transportation system needs, goals and priorities for the next 20 years.

There are several opportunities to review and comment on the plan:

  • Attend a stakeholder outreach meeting from 9:30 to noon on Thursday, Feb. 5, at West Central Initiative, 1000 Western Ave., Fergus Falls, to hear a brief presentation and view the Minnesota Transportation Policy Plan. To request an ASL interpreter or other reasonable accommodation for this meeting, call 218/846-3609, call the Minnesota Relay Service toll-free at 1-800-627-3529 (TTY, Voice or ASCII) or 711 or e-mail your request to ADArequest@dot.state.mn.us.
  • Attend a statewide video conference public meeting from 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, March 26, 2009, at Mn/DOT Detroit Lakes, 1000 Highway 10 West, or Mn/DOT Morris, 610 Highway 9 South (or in a location of your choice, see list attached). An ASL interpreter will be available at this video conference.
  • Review and comment on the Statewide Transportation http://www.dot.state.mn.us/planning/stateplan/Plan online. To request this document in an alternative format call 651-366-4718 or e-mail ADArequest@dot.state.mn.us.

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